Capital & Returns Manager at Santander’s Corporate & Commercial Bank, where she contributes to the development and implementation of key capital management initiatives, as well as delivering returns enhancement initiatives.
Capital & Returns Manager at Santander’s Corporate & Commercial Bank, where she contributes to the development and implementation of key capital management initiatives, as well as delivering returns enhancement initiatives.
Previously, Lorena worked as Treasury Middle Office Analyst at Santander UK in London and as Electronic Trading Administrator at Santander Back-Offices in Madrid. She holds a Master’s degree in Banking and Financial Markets from University of Cantabria (Spain) and another one in International Trade Economics and European Integration for which she was awarded with a European Commission scholarship.
Passionate about languages, currently she is learning German as a hobby. She can also fluently communicate in Spanish, English and French with her friends around the globe. Certainly, her biggest treasury are her friends!
“Lorena is highly intelligent, qualified and has superb analytical and communication skills, and in various languages! Things required when working in a tough and stressful environment of a leading Treasury Support Department. During our time together, Lorena displayed excellent talent with the many technical applications and platforms implemented and operated.
She was an integral member of the team that was responsible for the set up and setting in motion of all our eTrading platforms being completed within set deadlines. Her language skills and cultural knowledge speak for themselves. She is an excellent team worker with many leadership skills.”
Peter Wheeler-King, former eTrading Administration Team Manager.
“I met Lorena at Banco Santander where we started our professional career. While Lorena was a relatively junior member of the team where she was completing her internship as measured by tenure (Macro G10 Research team), she quickly established herself as a go-to person in all the projects in which she has worked. She has been ever-willing to work with members of all the team to share her knowledge and expertise, most notably as an economic researcher.
Lorena is efficient, detail-oriented and extremely competent. She is very organised and never misses a deadline or forgets an assignment. She has a deep-rooted spirit of helpfulness that, coupled with her quick grasp of subject matter, speaks well to her potential as a teaching assistant or instructor.
Lorena would be a tremendous asset in every company and has my highest recommendation.”
Ana Puebla, former research department co-worker.
“I had the pleasure of meeting Lorena years ago, when she studied the Master’s in Banking and Financial Markets organised by the University of Cantabria in collaboration with Santander Bank. I would like to highlight her effort capacity, competitiveness, tenacity and initiative, as well as her great ability to set and achieve goals. I really appreciate her collaboration in different initiatives, such as her role as forerunner of the Mentoring Program accomplished by SANFI and her active participation in the academic stay that the Master´s students carry out in the UK. It is a pleasure and an honour to keep on collaborating with Lorena.”
Belén Díaz, Santander Financial Institute (SANFI) Academic Director.
“I taught Lorena during her time on the MA EITEI in the UK. The truly international nature of the programme suited her abilities as a communicator and natural predisposition to education. The analytical skills and evaluation techniques also helped her became an even better economist which is why she excelled in the various host countries.”
Ian Jackson, former Staffordshire University Professor.
Native Speaker
Excellent communication skills in English acquired through professional experience.
Proficient use of the English language certified by the below institutions after passing their corresponding exams:
Good communication skills in business French consolidated at the French Alliance in Paris during 2015.
Advanced knowledge of the French language following the success in obtaining the listed diplomas:
“Nous avons le plaisir de connaître Lorena depuis plus d’un an maintenant. Elle participe de manière active et régulière aux activités culturelles proposées par l’Alliance française de Paris (activités en ligne autour de la culture française, qu’il s’agisse de gastronomie, histoire de l’art, patrimoine…). Nous avons toujours plaisir à la retrouver pour ces moments d’échanges entre étudiants actuels et anciens étudiants. Son français est excellent, et nous sentons qu’elle a à cœur de maintenir ce niveau tout en approfondissant ses connaissances de la culture française malgré la distance.”
L’équipe culturelle de l’Alliance Française de Paris
Recently, enrolled in an upper intermediate German course at the Goethe-Institut London.
Independent use of the German language achieved through the below listed certifications:
“Lorena ist eine der besten Schüler*innen im B2.1-Kurs. Sie ist sehr aktiv und engagiert und interessiert sich für deutsche Kultur und Literatur. Sowohl ihre Schreib- als auch ihre Sprachfähigkeiten sind dem B2-Niveau absolut angemessen.”
Britta S., Deutschlehrerin.
Las empresas de servicios financieros están adoptando cada vez más tecnología para mejorar su éxito. Y como no podría ser de otra manera, la legislación debe evolucionar a la par, ¿quieres saber cuáles son las nuevas leyes que se están proponiendo al respecto?
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My name is Lorena Busto Hurtado (she/her/hers) and I am a finance professional working at a Spanish bank in London. I have been working in banking and financial markets for nearly a decade, starting in Madrid at a very junior position and making my dream come true of moving to London four years ago. As a finance professional I am really involved in women in banking & finance empowerment in London and globally, and in boosting financial education in my home country Spain.
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In this video, Swamini Khanvilkar (Founder of is in a conversation with Lorena Busto Hurtado, a Spanish Finance Writer and a Keynote Speaker currently working in London, UK. They discuss:
00:00 Introduction
00:42 How did Lorena become a mentor
03:43 How do mentorship programs work
06:40 Difference between a mentor and a sponsor
12:30 How much should you be involved in a mentor-mentee relationship
15:02 Best mentorship programs
19:02 What impact can mentors have on your career
22:30 Advice on why to get a mentor
24:46 What to do when your mentorship relationship isn’t working
27:30 Why commitment is key
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Las criptomonedas son una nueva forma de pago que está revolucionando el mundo de las finanzas y la vida de muchas personas.
En este video explicativo, veréis cómo las monedas digitales han marcado un antes y un después.
¿Qué pasará en un futuro?
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Las criptomonedas han sido un importante disruptor para las finanzas. Estos tokens virtuales escasos, protegidos por criptografía, que tienen un valor debido a su escasez y a su demanda sirven a día de hoy tanto para realizar pagos como para almacenar valor, pues existen mercados donde se intercambian por dinero real.
Sin embargo, la falta de regulación y su anonimidad hace que muchos desconfíen de su funcionamiento. Algunos piensan que las criptomonedas – como Bitcoin, Ripple (creada por antiguos desarrolladores Bitcoin), Ethereum o Litecoin (obra de un ex-empleado de Google) – se tratan de otra estructura piramidal y que su uso principal es la financiación de actividades ilícitas. Pues, suponen una ruta de pago alternativa al sistema bancario actual, habiendo más de 10.000 monedas virtuales en circulación y cada poco tiempo aparece una nueva.
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Lorena navigates life with a curious mind and a strong sense of independence. Her first international adventure completely altered her perspective and opened her eyes. It led her to follow her dreams across Europe from Madrid to London. Now she’s been working in her dream city for over a decade in banking and finance, motivated by a desire to understand the how technological developments can reduce societal inequalities. Lorena is determined to approach every situation with optimism, but also organisation and order. She has a passion for fashion, and also for looking on the bright side. Meet Lorena. This is her story.
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¿Son realmente seguras? ¿Hay diferencias entre una y otra?
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Por todos es sabido que la educación es un pilar fundamental para alcanzar la igualdad en general y la de género en particular. Pero, cuando hablamos de educación financiera, debemos cuestionarnos si realmente sabemos qué son las finanzas. Normalmente, la gente tiene una visión única sobre las finanzas. La mayoría piensa que son jornadas interminables de banca o, tal vez, solo profesionales que buscan cómo pueden hacer crecer sus activos. Sin embargo, hay muchas áreas diferentes en este campo, todas ellas interesantes y que están presentes en nuestro día a día.
Por eso no es de extrañar que cuando la OCDE elabora encuestas cada dos años a nivel mundial sobre educación financiera ningún país apruebe. Porque aún no es algo de lo que se habla abiertamente en casa, ni se enseña en las escuelas. A esto contribuye que el dinero siga siendo en muchas culturas un tema tabú. Consultamos con nuestros amigos muchas decisiones, les pedimos consejos a la hora de comprar un móvil nuevo, sin embargo, las cuestiones económicas no se suelen compartir.
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science Lecture:
Podcast y a dormir en su formato más coeducativo. “Yo también las visibilizo”. Narraciones sobre mujeres referentes en el campo de la ciencia, cultura, política, arte, literatura, tecnología… actual o del pasado.
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Humans of Werkin is a series of the people who make us, us. The people who get to Werk on the Werkin platform are the rebels, the trailblazers, and the ones who want to change the future of work in the world. We reached out to the people on our platform and this is what they said…
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Lorena Busto, asociada de EFPA España escribe este artículo para el #blogEFPA dónde expone respuestas a cuestiones que buscan explicación a lo que está pasando o puede pasar en un momento excepcional como el que estamos viviendo.
En las últimas semanas se está viviendo una situación excepcional que pasará a la historia de nuestro país. Es un hecho probado que todos nos hemos visto afectados de una u otra manera.
Sin embargo, se puede hablar de la coexistencia de dos Españas: una tocada muy de cerca por el virus, que está sufriendo esta enfermedad en cualquiera de sus variantes; y otra que desde casa busca formas de evasión y aprovecha este tiempo para reflexionar.
Ahora más que nunca vivimos centrados en el presente. Pero estos últimos ya comienzan a preguntarse cómo las diferentes posibles consecuencias podrán afectar sus decisiones futuras.
Por eso, he recopilado algunas de las preguntas que recientemente me han ido formulando personas de mi entorno y, sin ánimo de satisfacer del todo su curiosidad, voy a intentar en la medida de lo posible darles respuesta.
El Banco Central, qué es, cuáles son sus objetivos y cómo logra conseguirlos.
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Can mentorship really make a difference? We asked WIBF mentor Lorena Busto Hurtado, Middle Office Senior Professional at Santander UK and her mentee Fadwa Bourimech, senior financial and treasury analyst to interview each other about how their careers have changed since starting the WIBF Mentoring Programme powered by WERKIN.
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Tipos de criptomonedas y ventajas para aplicaciones financieras.
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“As the Social Events Leader at Zebee, Lorena has taken the initiative to come up with fun and interactive ideas to help engaging the community. She is a dedicated leader with an attentive and inclusive approach towards our community. Lorena’s positive energy shines through every time we have a get together whether it’s online or in-person.”
Hui Wang, Zebee Community founder.
“I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lorena through her passion for mentoring. Lorena was an outstanding advocate for mentorship and her articulate descriptions of how mentoring had positively influenced her life were inspiring. Lorena was a key programme member and her sincerity, desire to teach and learn and overall enthusiasm and engagement were just a few of the things that made her truly brilliant. Lorena was a wonderful key speaker at an event I hosted as well as being a host for more than one Ask Me Anything session. I believe that Lorena has a wonderful capacity for relationship building, leadership and her genuine desire to achieve the best for others shines through – I hope she continues to be a mentor for many throughout her career as I am sure her valuable insights and empathy will always be appreciated.”
Umarrah ‘Tinks’ Javed, former WERKIN Programme Experience Manager.